标签 CKS 下的文章

Question 1

Task weight: 1%

You have access to multiple clusters from your main terminal through kubectl contexts. Write all context names into /opt/course/1/contexts, one per line.

From the kubeconfig extract the certificate of user restricted@infra-prod and write it decoded to /opt/course/1/cert.


  • 考点

    • kubectl
  • 解题

    ➜ kubectl config get-contexts -o name > /opt/course/1/contexts
    # 从 .kube/config 文件中找到
    - name: restricted@infra-prod
        client-certificate-data: LS0tLS1CRUdJ...
    ➜ echo LS0tLS1CRUdJ... | base64 -d > /opt/course/1/cert

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